Learning Solutions For Superheroes Everywhere!

Education For Superheroes!

When you think about education do you immediately see a classroom? With a teacher in front of the room talking and talking while you fight to keep your eyes open? Well, so do I. The idea of sitting in one place, listening to someone tell me “stuff” I have to remember long enough to, at some point, pass a test is mentally exhausting … even now.

The times “they are a changin” at BEST and we invite you to join us. Our online learning site may be small, but it, like BEST, is mighty. Our first selection of courses were chosen with our commitment to empowering those with brain injury and their families. Some of what we are, and will be, offering are online versions of our award-winning workshops and classes we’ve been hosting since 2011. We’ve learned a lot and crafted this website with those experiences as our guide.

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